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Yogi Tea Organic Ginger, Orange with Vanilla Tea Bags
Yogi Tea
The tea for everyone who loves summer. We have captured the magic of a beautiful summer's evening and turned it into a tea that will enchant you every day. Orange is the warming sun whose heavenly progress we dreamily gaze upon; vanilla smells of happiness; and ginger gives us a tangy energy boost that calmly lets us dream up crazy ideas. Those who live mindfully discover something great in small things. We believe that living in balance can do a lot of good for everyone - and that there is an incredible amount of inspiration for it in a cup of tea! With our teas, the yogic wisdom on each tea tag and a yoga exercise on each pack, we want to provide inspiration to you each day and contribute to a more peaceful and healthy world full of mindfulness and happiness. Serve your Spirit. 100% organic - 100% taste!
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